JANE KRUPP is an artist and designer based in New York City.
JANE KRUPP DESIGN, LTD. provides numerous services in the art, architecture and interior design fields.
Since graduating Cornell University School of Art, Architecture and Urban Planning, Jane Krupp has continued to combine her painting and design careers. Her unique artistic and aesthetic ideas about materials, color and space have enabled her to approach architecture, interior design and color from an artist’s point of view. She has become a well-known specialist in color and materials for projects ranging in style from urban minimal to historic 18th Century.
As a colorist, believing that “light is everything”, ambiance is created in the transformational context of reflected light, whether man-made or natural. Through color, architectural materials and furnishings are seamlessly connected.
As a designer, she works at the concept level with architects and other professionals, as well as private clients, to realize complex projects. She is known for her success at troubleshooting design and color and sourcing materials.
Other art related services include art consultation and art hanging.
For inquiries, contact jane@janekrupp.com